The story tells the battle between humans and an alien species, that takes place in a spaceship. All it's caused by a mysterious experiment occurred several years before...
Four gruesome novellas from Japan's master of horror manga. A young girl adores her science professor and his fine work to lessen pollution in the oceans, which is causing sealife to mutate. But when she tells her teacher of her strange dream, his reaction is altogether different to what she expects... (Source: MU)
ComedyDramaSlice of Life
The autobiographical story follows Azuma when he is admitted into a hospital for alcoholism. The manga depicts the addicted patients, doctors, and the caring yet strict nurses that Azuma encountered in the ward. (Source: ANN)
Alvin Dolce (nicknamed Al) is a self-proclaimed third-rate politician who is currently living together with his lover Neri. Things go well for the two until an impending campaign run urges Alvin away to Milano. Neri, uninterested in politics, turns down Alvin's invitation to join him there, and Alvin, distrusting Neri's loyalty in the relationship, takes off for Milano alone. Contains other stories about Al and about the boisterious and loveable people in his life. (Source: Stiletto Heels)
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