The Japanese boy, Tsuyoshi, is a restless troublemaker whose severely strict grandfather has finally been given the reins to crack down on him. His grandfather sends him on a quest to find the roots of their ancestry. The family names' roots brings him to Korea where his taxi driver, a chatty energetic girl named Very (Be-Ri), passes out on him. Despite an ugly first encounter, the two later grow close and learn to respect each other's differences...
In this previously uncollected chapter from 2003, Gon observes the lives of a family of pygmy hippos.
The energetic Kiri who’s in the cheerleading squad knows that Tanizawa from the baseball club hates cheerleaders. To get his approval, Kiri decides to accept Tanizawa’s challenge - at the next baseball match, Kiri has to do a back flip! Also, the Kiri that just became Tanizawa’s exclusive cheerleader is starting to have different feelings towards him… A series of oneshots, including Best Friend!, Lucky Etc., and Love in Full Bloom! (Source: MU)
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