DramaShounen AiYaoi
Ritz: The doll scientist. Darlene: The doll created by Ritz... Ritz begins teaching of the world, humanity, and how to become human to Darlene, who's existence revolves around his own, Ritz, but...
This manga is set in a distant future, based around the fictional city "Kaiserhald." In this world, "Sol" has the power to create miracles, but is horded by Kaiserhald and it's "Church." The "Sol Triggers" is a group of people who oppose their corrupt use of the "Sol" and fight to stop them.
There was a fire. Kousei lost his mother, his father and his precious little sister, Sanae. One month later he woke up to find himself in a hospital and was moved to pediatrics where he could share a room with other boys his age. Professor Kimishiro is loved and respected by his students, but disliked by faculty and administration. He's pushed from his classroom by university politics and takes a team to the jungles of the Amazon in search of new medicines and perhaps a chance to gain back his reputation amongst those with influence back home. Instead of cures, his team stumbles upon a lost temple in the jungle, a place the village guides claim to be 'The House of the God of the Black Death'. What are the temple's secrets, and can any man, let alone a mere boy, survive the plague of an angry God? (Source: SnoopyCool)
Nonaga Hiromasa is an up and coming soccer coach who has made a name for himself for bringing multiple teams from literally nothing to the top in the country. What’s even more impressive is that he just entered high school! He was recruited into his current high school as the new soccer coach, and his observation skills and ability to predict the opponents’ movement make his sole presence enough to win games. The fact that Hiromasa is going to be coaching at the high school has many top soccer players flocking to this school, but none stand out more to him than Sakamichi Kappo. Not only can Kappo score a goal from half field with his powerful kick, but his ball control is second to none. Initially, Kappo didn’t want to play on a team because he thought no one understood “his soccer style,” but when Hiromasa was able to understand it, Kappo decideds to play for the team. Will the brilliant coach and the talented player be able to take the high school soccer world by storm?
Saikawa Rai is said to be the Goddess of Luck. Where does her luck come from? It's dice! When Hanabusa confesses to her, he had no idea what craziness he got himself into... Stealing dice, life-sized board games, and... crocodiles? (Source: Eternal Bunny Love)
A compilation of short stories used as a frame story to develop a sequel to Heian Zankoku Monogatari.
El Halcon is a prequel series to 7 Seas, 7 Skies. Set from 1581 to 1586 with flashbacks further into the past, this is the story of Tyrian Persimmon. Born to a Spanish mother with an English husband in this era of conflict between the two contries, Tyrian favors Spain. His father suspects that Tyrian is not his son because he doesn't look like the man at all, and regularly beats him. His mother's lover is discovered to be a Spanish spy and flees the country. Tyrian is determined to join the navy and eventually rejoin Geraldo. At the age of 19 he begins to make his ruthless way up the ranks of the English navy. (Source: Translated Treasures)
Ellis, a young girl with a bounty on her head, finds herself travelling with the bounty hunter Nadie. Together the pair head towards the mysterious city of Winay Marka, which holds the secret to Ellis' past.
Hitoshi has finally given up on his one-sided crush for his older brother, and is given a chance at love again with Natsuhiko. How will this new start unravel when the new couple stops communicating, causing panic? Will they last or will this turn into a heart break ending? (Source: Biblo Eros)
A side story to the 2011 video game El Shaddai. Enoch, freshly summoned from Earth by God to serve as a clerk in Heaven, is thrust into the world of Heaven, where not everything is what it seems. A conspiracy is brewing in Heaven, and the only one on his side is an angel by the name of Lucifel...
1942. The Allies were losing the war against the Nazis. In occupied France, where there was no longer the two sides could engage in combat - and the German troops invaded northern Africa after the failure of the Italian army at the Battle of Beda Fomm. The African campaign had lasted three years and was crucial to take the Suez Canal and protect Egypt - then a British protectorate. The British - at the time isolated in their own country against a long air offensive Germanic - had to settle for a passive strategy, attacking the Germans where to attack. In this context, General Montgomery gathered a large army of British, Australians, South Africans, Indians and French who rebelled against the Nazi occupation. Four clashes happen. The first Battle of El Alamein ended in a stalemate, with many killed on both sides. The Battle of Marsa Matruh, in defense of the Suez Canal, finished with a Nazi victory, forcing the remaining troops to take refuge in El Alamein, where were the other troops - leading to a quick British victory at the Battle of Alam Halfa. Now the two sides were tied - and on 23 October, came the Second Battle of El Alamein, where happen the first major upset in the history of the Second World War.
Good-natured Makoto Mizuhara was liked by all—a fact that arrogant class president Jinnai could not abide. But that was before he met a strange woman in the depths of Shinonome High School and was whisked away to the even stranger world of El-Hazard! Along for the ride, Jinnai, his sister Nanami, and teacher Masamichi Fujisawa also join Makoto. While Makoto and company befriend the royal family of Roshtaria and the Muldoon Priestesses, Jinnai has allied himself with the seductive Deva, queen of the hive-like Bugrom Empire. The former Earthlings find themselves changed by their new environment as well and have developed strange supernatural powers. Now, with the fate of the kingdom Roshtaria and all of El-Hazard in the balance, three factions vie for control of the most feared weapon ever created... the Demon-Goddess Ifurita!
Based on a novel, this Korean manhwa focuses on heroine Jeong Won Yun, a strong girl who knows self defense. She reports a hit and run case which then disrupts the family of one of the other main characters, Hui Won. He constantly abuses her whilst he falls in love with her along the way; however, she has a boyfriend—Eun Gyu—who is the singer of an ongoing band. (Source: MU)
When Lord El-Melloi II, the later Waver Velvet, gets asked to claim his inheritance over Adra Castle, he travels there with his apprentice Gray to do so. But they are not the only ones called that way. The will of the previous owner states that the assembled contestants—including Luviagelita Edelfelt—must compete in a game of wits to win the castle.
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